using an opened can of beer spread a girls vaginal lips to insert the open beer, than have her do a headstand until beer can is empty.
My girl did the ultimate beer chug with this new beer called vag friendly light
by pat coin September 3, 2008
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Founded at Lafayette College, the object of the event is for every participant to finish their full beer, socially, in two minutes. This is a social event that encourages large groups of people to continually drink more beer at different intervals of the night. The game is started by loudly announcing "TWOO MINUTESSS!" at the appropriate time in a party. Those who know about two minutes then echo the cheer and all proceed to grab a beer and gather outside the party. A proper announcement of the group size (males and females), along with the number of beers in the group, and the time (two minutes) will be announced and the event will commence with one person keeping time.

Remember: It's social.
-Do you think its time for a "2-minute social beer chug"?
- YEP! Twoooo minutessssssss!!!
by Bieber08 November 10, 2011
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You record yourself chugging a beer and nominate three other people to do the same. You tag them in your FB status (serves as the invite) the people you tag must do the same.

cyber beer chug
I was tagged in Erica's video upload of her chugging a beer. She would say something like "I would like to thank Alyssa (girl she was invited by) for the nomination and I am looking forward to seeing this chain continue. I nominate: (tag three friends) .... Good luck my friends and cheers!!

cyber beer Chug
by Student- Social Media Major February 27, 2014
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