An ugly hoe is is naked. see also wordbitch/word
Damn that shit is whack! Why is there a bare bitch in my kitchen?
by Anonymous May 2, 2003
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When you don't prioritize someone (usually someone you're dating) and/or their needs, so they become your bare minimum bitch because they're accepting the bare minimum from you.
Todd: Sorry I didn't text you back for 5 days, I was doing random shit for a few days lol

Taylor: Nuh uh, get the hell outta here with that BS. I ain't no bare minimum bitch!
by conecreame October 27, 2019
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A female that accepts minimal attention, respect, time, love, admiration, and affection from her mate.
I feel sorry for her. She’s a BMB (Bare Minimum Bitch). Her man man knows she doesn’t have a car or a house. He makes lots of money and only bought her a bike. Wow!
by Sherëmy July 29, 2022
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