A fourth line duster who has nothing better to do then to use all of his money (and his parent's money) on packs of fifa cards and really expensive soccer gear e.g. messi jerseys, messi cleats and juicy padded sweatpants
-Wow that kid over there is so dusty
-What a barceloner
by fourth_line_essentials_duster February 8, 2015
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A person who plays a game in the FIFA series, but only as FC bacelona so this person can do good and not accept the fact that he/she sucks. The same applies for Real Madrid, Manchester United, any all-star team, or international team.
Frank: "Hey man I heard you lost at FIFA last night"
John: "yeah the guy i was battling was just using Barcelona for 10 straight matches."
Frank: "Wow, what a FC Barcelon-er
by Urban Dictonizer 520 December 5, 2011
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