Baptista, is a wonderful girl, she's nice, funny easy to get along with, very shy, but once you get to no her more you will see she's not so shy. she has black or brown hair, has brown eyes, and really nice lips. Baptista is quite mad so you start getting rude to her, she will bug out very easily. Baptista can be anyone's best friend, so if your her best friend your lucky to have her in your life. she doesn't take anyone's side to just feels like what's true for her.
wow baptista can be anyone's best friend.
I want to be her best firend.
by bvvvvvwswegbaptista July 1, 2019
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Simply the best
I fkn hate you because I fkn love you
thank you.
Baptista is the best
by Gabriella0380 December 30, 2020
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The person who is in charge or rolling the joint, blunt, or packing the bowl.
Guy1: I just got some more ganja ,who wants to be the baptista
Guy2: I'll do it man, I just picked up some new rolling papers
by Ninja_Star_23 May 21, 2017
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