A Bad Ass smell that is one step worse then Ass.
Wow, it smells like Baduss in here!
by ceege85 January 4, 2012
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Verb, Noun, Adjective. Derived from the word “bussy,” (butt pussy), Baduss can be conjugated into many forms, including “badussy” or “buss”. Baduss can be used to fill your conversation during a lull, can be used to replace another term, or can indicate the levels of slay of an item or situation. It can even be a term of endearment. There’s no right way to use the word, but there is a wrong way.
Let’s baduss to CVS.

That’s a big badussy bag, what do you have in there?

Can you baduss me your mascara?

Buss, we’re late for the show, let’s go.
by badussies May 28, 2022
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