An informal name for the godsent cannabis. Also Wacky. From Latin "Waccius Baccius" meaning 'to get high and chill, man.'
Gimme some wacky baccy now please, Madam.
by Fingers McHunt July 9, 2003
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hitting a bong full of tobacco, equivalent to one or two cigarettes.
done by desperate chavs who have no marijuana.
'yeh mate, i had no gwan last night so i had a baccy s(ch)pinner...mate'
by Manav August 1, 2005
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25g of handrolling tobacco
When asking at your local shop for 25g of tobacco, saying "a weetabix of baccy please"
by eMpTy007 October 6, 2011
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A joint that consists of mostly bacci and is basically a glorified cigarette, it can also be called a box mod.
Person 1: Look Mark is smoking another bacci log
Person 2: He just loves his bacci logs doesn’t he
Person 1: He really need to get of the bacci that Mark does
by The president of Loffey June 22, 2021
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