Avriel is beautiful, funny, smart and most likely athletic. She works hard and appreciates everything and everyone in her life. Whenever she gets a chance to help someone she does. She is always happy and is a great friend.
Avriel is so amazing. I love being her friend.
by Avytavy April 10, 2018
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A person who is strong but when messed with can ruin your life kind and caring for others but dangerous
by Lkjee February 1, 2017
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Avriel, pronounced as Ah- vree-el.

A sexy and hot Icelandic daddy, he's the best father in the world and buys you stickers. When he sends you pictures you get instantly wet. He's very mysterious and emo, hard to read but when you get to know him better you realize how affectionate he actually is. Most of the times can't pronounce T's and is gay, very very gay. His hair is beautiful like lion manes, and anybody would kill for them.
Person 1, ''Hey did you see him! He's so hot and gay!''
Person 2, ''Ikr such and Avriel''
by Kim Jongin aka Kai July 30, 2017
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