Arvindra is an awesome name that is only given to special people who will succeed in life.Arvindra is also good at backflips and if Arvindra name is followed by a Prasad ,it means that he is astonishing and an extraordinary person
Wow ! That man is so succesfull its as if his name is Arvindra
by Lucifer777777 December 26, 2017
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Typical Indian guy name. He'll probably be an anti-social, sad, lifeless person but once you get to know him it's usually even worse. His palms are sweaty at all times from constantly thinking about fantasies where his life was actually meaningful and where his chances of talking to girls wasn't non-existent
A:Look at that Indian-looking fellow!
B:He doesn't seem to be so good with talking with people and eww, his hands are sweaty!
A: I bet his name is arvindra, hahahaha
by Smauggy007 February 8, 2019
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