The opposite of Curb Appeal, used to reference a poor decorating decision or visible renovation that has their neighbors furious and screaming over the loss of their own property value.

Can also be used for a person that is trying too hard to look pretty even though everyone knows they have acne scars.
a: "Did those a-holes next door actually think a bathtub would make a good flower planter in the front yard?. Nice curd appeal, jerks."

b: "Man, she's got some curd appeal goin' on under those six layers of covergirl."
by DMD4me February 4, 2010
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The attractiveness that one may have for being intellectual. Characterized by goofy but cute looks, off-beat interests, above average intelligence, and a sweet and caring personality. A sense of attractiveness which is derived chiefly from personality and less from aesthetics.
"Hey Lafonda...that boy know all about politics!"

"Aw and with his cute little smile...what nerd appeal!"

"That boy in our economics class has some serious nerd appeal."

"I know right?! He gets 100% in our class...and he totally held the door for me the other day."
by WordWoman! May 14, 2011
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A fallacy that claims that "a more difficult method of doing something is objectively better than a simpler method of doing the same thing".
An example of the appeal to difficulty is when you submit a Python-related question on Stack Overflow, only for the first answer to be a cuck chiding you for not using a more difficult language like C or C++.
by yammock November 30, 2021
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When you see a hot girl, who's hotness is increased by the fact she wears glasses.
"Dude, do you see that hot girl in glasses across the bar?"

"Yeah man, she's got Spec-appeal!"
by Mr.Mater January 15, 2012
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The attractiveness of a garment when viewed on a hanger (rather than being worn). A garment has hanger appeal if it looks good "on the rack" and would entice someone to look more closely, and perhaps try it on and buy it.
Girl, these tops don't got hanger appeal. They don't look good 'til you put them on.
by JBert September 23, 2006
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The appeal of a shiksa. From an episode of Seinfeld where among other things, Elaine is concerned on how she attracts Jewish men. She also drives two to announce Judaism.
Elaine to rabbi-"Rabbi, what am I gonna do with my shiks-appeal?"

Rabbi-Oh, Elaine, that's just an urban legend like the Yeti or it's cousin, the sasquatch. Now, another interesting fact is that Rabbi are allowed to date!
by Aberforth'sGoat July 25, 2005
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One who has a large amount of physical attractiveness or has an equally attractive wonder cock.
"Damn, Jenny gets so much play, she has a lot of cock appeal to the guys."

"That fool is so ugly, the only way he gets any action is the cock appeal of the inside of his pants"
by C. Fo June 13, 2006
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