used to replace apparently or allagedly when one doesn't want to waste the brain cells to figure out which is appropriate for your use.

- apparently is used when you have information that you have come upon yourself, usually using one of your 6 senses (taste, sight, hearing, feeling, smelling, or proprioception).

- alllegedly is used when you have "information" that you have come across by someone else, usually by here-say

Apparellegedly can be used in any case.
- Apparently you're doing badly in school, i'm looking at you report card and i see you have 2 Fs, 3 Ds, 2 Cs.

- I heard Kasie talking to Riley, and allegedly Samantha slept with the whole football team at the party Saturday.

Well apparallegedly, kyle punched Samson and got suspended.
by Cori Howpe November 13, 2011
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