hell on earth. u learn a lot from it tho...IF u make it out alive.

u wont pass 1 test w/o studying 4 hours for it the nite before (4 hours meaning u just passed with a D) let me play it out for y'all:

1 hour - u gotta be kiddin me
2 hours - screwed
3 hours - haha good luck
4 hours - passing with a D...a very low D
5 hours - high D
6 hours - low C
7 hours - mid C
8 hours - high C
9 hours - low B
10 hours - lower-mid B
11 hours - mid B
12 hours - mid-upper B
13 hours - high B
14 hours - high B
15 hours - high B
16 hours - high B
.............yea, there is no way u can get an A

if u r currently enrolled or just signed up for this class...

good luck.

i learned all about the political, social, economical, and other factors that influenced the european culture from the renaissance all the way to 2006 over the course of 1 year in an ap european history class... unfortunately im half the person i was wen i walked in the class the 1st day...because i tryed to comit suicide so many times.
by Alex Kayne September 16, 2006
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A class that a high school student will take in hopes of trying to gain college credit. However, once taking the class, the student will realize the hell hole and shit storm of pain that they're engaged in and will probably just pass the class time trying to sleep.
Student 1: Dude what time did you go to bed last night?

Student 2: Damn man it was like 3. I had to finish my lit paper.

Student 1: Oh dang man that sucks I bet you're tired.

Student 2: Yeah but it's okay, I've got AP European History class next
by Marcus_Fenix May 7, 2009
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a class that a few, very stupid, people will take in their sophomore year of high school. supposovly college level... i doubt even college students know this much about history.

pure hell during the year but its not impossible to do well. 3 hours a weekend doing the assignments and ur good.

as for the ap test. study early and watch the people around u crack when they realize the test is tomorrow. hehe

overall, learn a hell of a lot of shit u will never lose but... if ur ever transported back to the french revolution, you will know exactly what will happen, and what people to avoid.
a: so u taking ap european history next year?
b: what u kidding me, i have a life !
a: yea, but i think imma try for the credit
b: good luck to you.
by i think i did well... May 24, 2009
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a college level course taken in highschool by overachievers and really smart kids. the cause of many sleepless nights. you walk into class the first day and there is 30 people in it...the teacher explains what is to be done the entire year and the next day 10 people remain. those 10 people will go through pure hell for the remainder of the year. and just wait until the AP exam...theres nothing worse then sitting in a room for 3 hours not being able to move...writing two essays doing around 100 multiple choice and reading short stories to do data based questions over. the worst part is on the multiple choice if u guess the wrong answer u get a penalty of i think its 1/2 or a whole point...so ur better off just not answering. the hardest part is to even get finished. i only finished 2/3s of the test and scored a 1. i broke down many times from doing all the homework in that class...atleast 3 hours a nite. if ur lucky. oh ill never forget the number of times i thought about comiting suicide. NEVER take this course. even if u think ur smart...u r smart..then u get in that class and suddenly ur IQ is 50 points lower than it was 2 minutes ago.
by scott branner September 15, 2006
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The greatest class ever invented in the history of mankind. Even though it is really hard, no other class will teach you more about politics, economics, religion, and obviously history.
AP European History, when taught by an intelligent and unbiased teacher, opens up an entire new world of debate and personal enrichment.
by Mr. Fitz rules September 8, 2006
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The biggest waste of time. Even my teacher said, "the only time you'll need to any of this, is if you become a history teacher". Your week will be jampacked with work and instead of going to school events, you and your retard friends are at home studying for a test that includes over 100 pages of material. Not to mention the weekly vocab quizzes and chronology test that will make you want to rip your fucking mind out of your heads. Every day at lunch your friends, who aren't taking this dumb class, will call YOU the stupid one because you have a C in the class and they have an A in their easy World History class. I sleep at 12:30, I wake up at 6 and spend all my energy at school only to come home and work more.
hey, that Ap European History class your taking is FUCKING STUPID!
by FUKAPEURO September 28, 2018
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Have you ever been fucked in the ass with no lube by a dick made of razors? This is an ordeal analogous to taking AP World. All the overachieving dick face sophomores should just kill themselves now. Like genuinely save yourself the time and kill yourself now. What in the actual fuck is Czechoslovakia. Czecoslo-swallow my balls. I hope the inventors of AP world burn in the deepest depths of hell. I want them to choke on Mongolian dick for the rest of eternity and write LEQ's about Socialism till they're forced to blow their brains out. I want them to relive that every day for the rest of eternity. And don't even get me started on the AP Exam bullshit. Ain't no way in but fucking hell am I going to school at 7:30 in the godamn morning to get ass fucked by 55 questions bout so old ass white guy who decided he wanted to invent some retarded ass bullshit ass economy. If there are any psychotic killers living out there pls come for me. Do it. Now. Preferably before May 11th.
Person 1: Hey I'm taking AP World History next year!
Person 2: I'll send you a tutorial on how to effectively cut your wrists vertically<3
by balls738247 April 27, 2023
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