When anti theists say they hate religion it’s really just Christianity and Islam
Person 1: I’m an Anti Theist
Person 2: Thoughts on Judaism
Person 1: Juda-who
by bud Luca July 9, 2023
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A bigot. One who is not a scientist nor holds anything more than one bachelor's degree. A hypocrite who is religiously bigoted but criticizes others for being religiously bigoted. One who delusionally says God is imaginary, when He is not, as science proves. A troll.
Anti-theist: You are so stupid for believing in an imaginary, non-existent being. You will never see your dead loved ones again - deal with it!
by drmike7762 March 7, 2015
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Rachel: Hey, what religion do you think has the most hypocritical adherents on the internet?
Mohammed: Oh, definitely anti-theists. Those guys are crazy obnoxious zealots.
Carlos: Yeah, these is something just extra obnoxious and intolerant about people that don't believe in something but still feel the need to go out of their way to evangelize.
by Overeducated March 24, 2016
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Someone who is anti religion. Separated from "Atheists" by their disapproval of religion as opposed to non-subscription to religion.
Anti-theists see atheists as fence sitters in a struggle between they whom view faith as virtuous and they whom see faith as the corruption of wilful ignorance.
by Prisoner of Logic December 21, 2022
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The common redditor. Not to be confused with atheist, these are retards. Someone who is a bitch and the "nice guy". Also thinks that freedom of religion shouldn't exist and everyone should go and jack-off to the holiness that is atheism.
Anti-theist: I think religion is super stupid. A Hur dur dur dur.
Lady: hi
Anti-theist: Mi'lady. Can I smell the beauty that is your feet.
Lady: Ew.
Anti-theist: Why don't girls ever go for the nice guy.
by Ace96- August 18, 2023
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A atheist extremist that hates all things religious.
Anti-theism is to atheism as the Christian Identity is to Christianity
by Da Mad Gamer September 22, 2003
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USUALLY a huge fag who thinks he is super hxc because he hates religion.
More than likely, all his friends, if he has any that is, thinks he is an idiot
or some kind of retard.

Some qualities an anti theist PROBABLY has:
1. An anarchist
2. Bases his beliefs off of George Carlin's comedy act without realizing that
there is a reason it is called a COMEDY act
3. Has never had a girlfriend
4. Thinks other people don't like him because they are "bl1nd3d bby teH g0dzz
anDD arnt sm4rt enuff 2 c passt 1t. lulz, d1d u no tha '1t' rhyme5 wit 'tit'.
megalulz, ima masturbate now."
5. Listens to music he heard off of Guitar Hero, because none of his friends want to share their musical taste with him. If he knew some of the bands from Guitar Hero believed in God, he would immediately piss himself and go fap his anger off.
6. Will be living with his parents for a loooong time.

Anti-theists should not be confused with an atheist. An atheist is someone who
simply doesn't believe in a God while an anti-theist is retarded and has no
Regular person: I'm going to church on Sunday, want to come?

Atheist: No thanks, I'm not really into that sort of thing.

Regular Person: Oh, that's cool. I'll see you at work tomorrow.

Anti-theist who overheard their conversation: Faggot, you are blinded by your God and you will suffer from a lack of your false promises! I will enjoy seeing you depressed from having no result in following your false faith!

Regular person: Ahh, fuck, he's not coming into work tomorrow, is he?

Atheist: No, he doesn't have a job. But hey, what more can you expect from an
anti theist?

(The 2 friends walk away, laughing at the anti-theist and his retardedness. The
anti-theist begins to jack off.)
by fgsfdsMASTER February 24, 2009
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