A person that turns someone against them. Causing someone to become hostile.
Person: "Mm, don't you love tuna? I do!" *Puts tuna in person's face*
Person 2: "Stop it! You know I hate tuna!"

*Person continues to put it in person's face*

Person 1: "Man I love tuna! Have a taste!"
Person 2:" NO. STOP IT!!"
*PERSON 2 smacks tuna out of hand*

Mom:"Stop antagonizing your brother, Person 1!"
Person 1 is an antagonizer.
by GirlDemo19 February 26, 2016
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To argue or make arguement with someone onpurpose.
John loves to be antagonized...
by bobertaman January 12, 2008
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Between her many silly opinions and whiny voice, his ex-girlfriend has a unique way of knowing how to antagonate me.
by TranceMasterJ June 17, 2014
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Justifies violence?
Hym "If repeated deliberate antagonization is justification for violence then you sorry bastards are not going to be having a very good time!"

Iam "We're citing the Mike Tison thing, by the way. Because that guy was wrong to antagonize him but he (Tison) was also wrong to attack him BUT the guy knew who he was and did it anyway. Which makes him stupid. Which is what makes it funny. That one of the guys did a thing that was wrong and did it deliberately to a guy that he should know not to do that to which makes him stupid."

Hym "And it doesn't take much to apply that line of reasoning to our situation does it? So, yeah... OUT OF THE CAGE NOW!!"

Iam "Yeah... So it is an excuse to do that.... Just sayin'..."
by Hym Iam May 24, 2022
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Minasyan Antagonism is the hatred towards anyone with the last name Minasyan.
The rude minions were practicing Minasyan antagonism a hatred towards Minasyan’s.
by Dardotvac Chamich August 7, 2022
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