1.) A person, usually female, who prostitutes herself out to obtain money to fuel her addiction to illegal/illicit narcotic drugs (examples: crack/cocaine, meth, heroin)

2.) A word that eliminates the need for a punchline in comedian Norm MacDonald's jokes.
1.) Jenny is such a crackwhore! She's working the street corner in front of the 7-Eleven trying to make money to buy dope!

2. "Who needs a punchline, when you have the word 'crackwhore'?!" - Norm MacDonald
by Chief of the Okhrana October 3, 2015
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A prostitute who is only a prostitute for the sole purpose of attaining crack to feed her addiction.
by HerzerMann June 12, 2004
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A woman who's crack addiction is so bad that it is the only factor running her life and making decisions for her. She cannot hold a job -- not even as a stripper -- and is forced to do the ONLY thing she can do for money... sucking and fucking. And she is sickened when she thinks about where she has ended up and does it all over again to get her fix so she can forget for a few hours... and then again... and again... life is absolutely miserable between fixes and the only time she thinks clearly, rationally and for HERSELF is shortly after she starts smoking up.
I'd love to kill all the worthless pieces of shit who have ever been involved in the process of turning a girl into a crackwhore.
I fell in love with a crackwhore (before I really knew she was one).
Don't ever try to help a crackwhore... she can only help herself.
by Not Available December 3, 2003
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Crack-Whore originally meant a bitch who would suck a drug-dealer's dick to get coke.
Now it is said to be any female that has, or just looks like she has a big-time crack problem. Looking skinny, pregnant, ghostly, ragged hair, tracksuit and fucked up.
Don't hookup with her, she a crack-whore.
Man that crack-whore shouldn't be allowed to keep those kids.
by Diego November 4, 2003
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Eric Cartmans mother.
"Hey Cartman your mom's on the cover of crackwhore magaziene."
by kyle March 19, 2004
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A person, typically female, who trades sexual favors in return for illicit drugs. They can be found in most trailer parks and ghettos in America.
Dick Longley is a crackwhore. Seriously, he will fuck anyone for one tiny crack rock.
by Dick Longley March 5, 2003
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Disease caused by a-dick-tion to crack cocaine, leading to sell your body and soul for a rock.
fuck, that Ashley girl suffers from crackwhorism.
by diane Ramos June 25, 2011
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