The one who is able to understand that authority and discipline are immutable moral values, not needing a government or even a technocrat to tell him what is right or wrong. It aims at a society without the evils of modernity: representative mass democracy, technological vices, liberalism, feminism, gender equality, socialism, materialism, consumerism, narcissism, cosmopolitanism, ecumenism, mass media, the myth of success and progress, populism, Global financial system, globalization . Someone beyond the right-left spectrum, evils of The French Revolution. It proposes a simpler life, being able to develop within its true potential, a true existence. It can grudgingly accept any decentralized state, as long as it does not violate its culture, dignity and morality. One who is anti-system and believes in a rebirth of an organic society.
"The anarcho-reactionary is anti-system and sees the materialist world in decline."
by tradical June 4, 2021
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