(n.) A person one sees at an airport or really any other place in public that they find quite attractive, but due to the brief nature of their stay at the public place (hence the 'airport' part) are unable to act on their attraction and get to know the person.
Dude, I just saw, like, the cutest airport crush I've ever had at the post office today.
by Crackerposting_Throwaway July 2, 2023
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A girl/boy that you are instantly attracted to, like love at first sight that you see when departing or arriving at an airport. There are 5 stages of luck; he/she notices you, they start a conversation with you, they are on the same flight as you, they are at the same accomodation as you and finally, you are lucky enough to exchange socials.
When i went on holiday to (location name) I saw my airport crush, he/she was beautiful.
by joebeanz April 12, 2022
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