Adi a rapper on Soundcloud and Spotify that makes BANGERS check him out he's maybe the best.
Oh my Adi is sooooooo good
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Adi is a great guy.

He has pretty eyes and smile. People love him.

if his surname happens to be Omerović, he becomes an ultimate badass motherfucker (who likes to eat, A LOT).
In his spare time he likes to be a journalist (only as a hobby, because his real passion is selling used cars).
That dude is such an Adi.
by Nepheelim September 21, 2018
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The most genuine and caring person you can find with really great taste in music .
They are the best people to hang around and will truly inspire you to be more ambitious.
Super hot and extremely anxious but that can be contained.
Heyy ,you friends with an Adi !
I bet they're super awesome to be around.
by Scrumptious shit February 11, 2022
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a noun that describes a boy that is more than a friend but less than a boyfriend
I: "Our relationship is so awkward. He's more than my friend but he's not my boyfriend"

K: "That's definitely Adi status"
by Jennifaaa August 5, 2007
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1. one of a kind
2. short for Adderall; a drug used for ADD
I just popped an Ady and should be good to go in no time!
Yo I met this girl named Ady and she's the shit!
by Adyrol August 30, 2011
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A person with massive testicles, and a massive ego.
Person 1- Hey!

Person 2- Hello!
Person 1- Do you know where Adis is?
Person 2- You mean the guy with the guy with the massive balls?
Person 1- Yes!
Person 2- Yeah, he went home with that girl from yesterday!
Person 1- oh okay! thanks!
by Pikek May 19, 2021
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