i was attempting to say somthing really rude by supposing that stupid preppy people wear abercombie and fitch when i noticed that i cant even spell the damn store's name. next time befor i hate on someone for being stupid and buying over priced clothes, i'll make sure im spelling the name of the store right.
by uglybiotch February 21, 2005
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the clothing company that sends their soft-core porn mags through the mail
by Anonymous October 2, 2003
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Racist company that only hires attractive white people. They won't go out of business because most people don't care.
Let's go to Abercrombie and Fitch, that way we won't have to see minorities and we can support a racist company.
by Jawn April 2, 2005
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An overpriced label of clothing worn mostly by teens with either rich or overcompensating parents, preppies of any age, and people who just like to waste their money. American Eagle (also an overpriced, boring line of clothing) plus a 15% price increase.
Omigod! I just got, like, the cuuuutest tshirt at A&F! Only $45, and it looks like I got it at Value Village! Like, what a deal!
by blomee October 22, 2003
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where guys that arent gay start becomming gay. The state of unknown fag-tivity.
boy: like omg im so not gay lets go to abercrombie and fitch
by Newgin April 5, 2005
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A clothing line that is mostly worn by preppies, cheerleaders, and anyone else who's not punk.
by Anonymous June 24, 2003
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