a girl who is one of a kind, very atractive, sweeet,and out of control in a good way, others are jelous of this unique spontaneous girl, she can suprise in many ways she tends to be a leader not a follower and trys to stay in her own buisness she is very upbeat and out there, she is unaware that she atracts people more than she thinks ,she is a goodluck charm and great to have around,
by adaml0 August 29, 2010
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a very unique girl who is beautiful but is very negative about herself shes very outgoing and doesnst care what people think of her,shes great to have around and can make a big difference in your life.
aariana is one of a kind
by buddy5 August 26, 2010
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a mean bitch, that doesn't appreciate anything, she doesn't notice the friends around her that she should get to know better, her friends find her overwhelming and very depressed
aariana is not someone you want to be friends with
by - the dictionary September 19, 2019
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