to quote(a passage, book, author, etc.), esp. as an authority:
by Chloe Shin September 18, 2006
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"I got front row tickets to see Iron Maiden!!! I'm 'cited!!!"

"I'm going to the reggae festival this weekend!"
"Yay! Are you 'cited?!"
by Tuney Lew July 26, 2008
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"Fuck man i'm so cited bout these strippers!"
by Grant S December 30, 2008
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Just like a strong excited feeling when your over tired, or it’s nearly bedtime, or waiting for food and you get a burst of silly energy.
I can’t wait for chinese tonight, I’m getting proper cited.
by Levi Rowntree February 4, 2018
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Short hand for "Call-InternetMessage-Text-Email"
"CITE me!" ( me, I/M me, text me, or email me)
by GKFey88 October 18, 2010
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When your OTP (One True Pairing) is too cute and you can't even.


Too legit to quit.
Brangelina (Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, aka Jolie-Pitt) are cited.

Yo dude, that 360 mlg no scope was cited.
by Asian Mafia April 22, 2016
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shortened form of the word excited
usually used when one is so excited they entirely skip the first part of the word
Barry: "Dude! You ready for the party later?"
Sam: "Yeah, man, I'm so cited!!"
by moey92 December 3, 2009
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