Surfing slang for nude breasts (because your eyes can't help but zoom in on them)

Drug slang for Amphetamines (stimulants which keep you going)
"The surfers were distracted by the zoomers on the beach"

"John popped some zoomers and studied all night."
by Hollatchaboiy March 19, 2023
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Generation Z
The generation that's always getting shot.
Boomer: I wish these damn Zoomers would get off their phones and go outside every once in a while.
by warrioroflove October 31, 2019
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A portmanteu (mix) of Boomer and Gen Z, arguably stemming from 4chan's "That 30 Year Old Boomer" meme and "Zoomer" memes that followed. The meme is very similar to the Boomer meme, but instead being a Brainlet Wojak with an undercut, regular glasses, and Gen Z related text. A popular fusion meme is with the Doomer Zoomer, a blackpilled version of the Zoomer archetype

The term later became a reference to the fast paced upbringings of Gen Z due to the advent of social media and popular internet culture
Example 1:"That X Year old Zoomer Who...." Meme

Example 2:
Some dude: Dude I fucking h8 zoomers
Some other dood: But we're zoomers
First dude: Oh shit. *pulls out #dick shaped juul his parents bought him since he's never worked a godamn day in his life and hits it. Then gets a shitty 90s haircut and throws a tshirt over his sweater even tho its 90 degrees.

Then makes shitty "Good Girls Bad Guys" Tiktok because #im14andthisisdeep *
by NotKeenEem April 22, 2020
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Refers to Generation Z, often as a meme/joke. It originated as a play on the term boomer (as in baby boomers) and Generation Z in 2016 according to Merriam Webster. It grew in popularity in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic due to many Generation Z'ers taking classes virtually on Zoom giving the term a new meaning.
Dude, I'm not a boomer -- I'm a zoomer.
by cina10 July 13, 2022
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An individual born without internet and watched PBS as a child, but has now embraced virtual meetings and knows how to use different online communications to achieve synergy.
I thought Dave was a bit out of touch, but then he started dancing in our online meeting. He's an idea guy, a total Zoomer.
by womp_womp December 10, 2021
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-Back in my days, we had friends to play in the forest.
-Ok boomer
-Shut up zoomer
by Tuur C. December 8, 2019
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