King of the douche-bags at a little known, but well loved site known affectionately as SUF, (or pre-Blinxx flip-out, SPUF.)

Zips is a man-boy who gets sexual pleasure from mindless adherence to minutia in the rules and the striking lack of a soul or the absence of logic and feeling.

He's been known to ban people for farting too loud, jaywalking and even having a sense of humor.

Never question Zips. It only makes him angrier.

Since his modship at SUF is the azimuth of his lifelong achievement, (not counting the time he wanked it five times in one afternoon to the same manga,) and since he's destined to live out his life alone and without anyone who will love him, people generally put up with him much like you put up with a retarded puppy who repeatedly shits on the rug.
"Zips is really a fucker."
"Yeah I know."
by Hewood Jablowme October 5, 2006
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1. To compress files into .zip format.
2. An Iomega Zip cartridge.
3. To send something easily and quickly. (This is the dictionary definition that predates the other two.)
Can you send me that Photoshop file on a Syquest?

Dude, fuhgeddaboudit. Zip it and put it on a zip, and zip it over to me.
by vanilla g-lotto December 29, 2005
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Zip is also very slangily,well-known as a synonym of nothing.
I didn't study zip for the next day's exam, so I blew it.
by Eloy R. July 13, 2005
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taking a zip from someones drink. like a sip, but not really.
i took a zip from my friends drink.
by HucPhe June 21, 2009
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A word used in the 60's to refer to meth amphetamine
Hey man, can you get any zip?
by tonto March 12, 2005
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A verb that refers to the act of running quickly in a location where running is inappropriate or uncalled for. Typical of high school freshmen.
"This school is full of zip zip zoomers; every time I turn the corner someone almost runs into me"
"Sorry, I didn't mean to zip zip zoom but I really needed to get to class"
by animeluver25 March 4, 2017
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1. A word to describe something that is completely, fully, and totally amazing.

2. A synonym for a pimp. Someone who is awesome, or someone who slaps dem hoes.
"Yeah man, that new freestyle is zip. I might sample part of it, if you don't mind"

"JEM IS SUCH A FUCKING ZIP. I can only hope that one day, I can be as zip as he is"
by treehug June 16, 2009
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