Common name for mildly retarded androgynous gimps that escape the humiliation of constant Trivial Pursuit defeats by frequenting gay bath houses in search of “stankhole.” Generally recognizable by their large misshapen foreheads, receding hairlines, and can of Busch Light held tightly in one hand. Can be dangerous if cornered, and normally never stray too far away from a steady source of DVD porn. Diet’s consist primarily of cheddar cheese, summer sausage, and midget cock.
Look at that idiot gag on that beer, the stupid Zink.
by Daisy March 14, 2003
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Go get them dishes out the zink!
Make sure you clean out that zink when
you're done brushing yo teef!!!
by kim g. July 27, 2005
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big laxer. likes big booties as well. geist wishes he was him.
Zink > Geist Zink shoots stick side high for the game winner. RNRP
by Baby Got Back April 1, 2005
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1. An old, disgusting fat man who likes math.
2. A crazy cool/psycho math teacher who does "zany" things.
3. Is what is screamed when too much homework is given in Honors Algebra II.
1."Get in the zink, stupid zink."
2."God, what the hell zink? Stop giving us homework!! *mutters* "That crazy friggin wild zink. damnit."
3."Hey hey, you there, come back here."
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the noise just before pinching someone (usualy on the ass) also know as a "bee"
John : "ZZZZZink!"
Kayley : "OUCH!"
by JohnEmm October 17, 2006
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woman hater, woman-hating
from T.M. Zink, a woman-hating weirdo who had his estate put in trust for 75 years, and the funds used to create a men-only library.
Do you think it's zink that he made her buy the condoms?
by Margo Channing January 13, 2011
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A large ass (donkey) has a locality of the downtown district, one who also drinks to oblivion.

verb, noun, pronoun, adjective
God, Ryan was being suck a Zink last night.

It wreaks of Zink in this room.

I was so Zinked last night.

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