A Succubus like prostitute, often parading around like a woman with a gigantic penis. Often times this succubus will appear as a blonde female of average size and stature. Warning signs to look for: Bitchy Personality, Mood Swings, whining, begging, and claiming to be a good person
I met this girl, but she turned out to be a Zenner. Now my penis shriveled up and died and I have no money or friends.

I thought this girl was nice, so I brought her home to the family, and she killed my father, raped my mother, and ate my dick like Kobayashi.
by BH011 March 12, 2009
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Justin is a complete douchebag. He will die in a horrible death
Justin Zenner is a failure
by NathanJR2008 August 27, 2008
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