The Sexiest Guy at MIT. He s so hot, that when you look at him he burns your clothes of.
Girl 1 "What happen to you, you go out in the sun to much?"
Girl 2 "Na, I saw Yoshio !!!!"
by 2pacforlife May 1, 2009
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Yoshio is a famous online influencer who enjoys playing the hit game Halo. Yoshio has been deemed and noted as a talented entrepreneur and far superior gamer to his alternate counterpart YoshiMonsta.
Yoshio Ballin' yo! Yoshio stay getting Dubs!
by Yaavie January 3, 2022
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A little Guatemalan elf with a sick Japanese name. These kinds of Yoshios are very rare and are only found 2 miles underneath the Pacific Ocean. This particular Yoshio has an awesome, fuzzy fro that you can't deny wanting to touch..Yoshios are compulsive liars and they WILL throw tacos at you if you attempt to capture it. Capturing a Yoshio takes skill and perserverance because they are very sly and can turn invisible in an instant. They like to eat human eyebrows so protective bandaids may want to be worn to deter the smell when approaching a Yoshio.
by H3LL@ $H@DY June 25, 2010
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A spoiled little rat who doesn’t appreciate anything in life.
Yoshio is a spoiled brat
by Yakkkkkk November 26, 2018
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