Yag is a new revolution of the word ''Gay''. It literally means a backwards gay, which can be represented as not as sinister and can be used amoungst friends in various situations and states of conversation. The term yag was created by Nico SS
Examples are as follows:
-You complete yag
-Your Yagalicious
-You Yagsticle
-Go have a bizzle Yag

There are many siuations that this can be used for so why not just use it where ever you feel and see if it can be the new gay.
by Nico10101 May 18, 2010
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When two straight men spend time together by partaking in an activity that would be stereotypically be enjoyed by a woman.
Alex and Charith enjoyed a good Sunday yag by going cravat shopping at Harrolds followed by a nice Salad lunch.
by Chazza Wazza May 15, 2012
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Ice cream from Sweden. (Swedish ice cream).
Yes, I would like some yag.
by Corb March 14, 2005
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The "backwards" partner in the gay relationship, or to further explain for those slow in the head, the guy who takes it in the ass. Verb form signifies getting rearended.
by Z January 27, 2005
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