a song titled XenoChrist appears on the album Planetary Duality by the Technical death metal band, The Faceless. It is derived from an almagamation of two words, xeno and Christ.

'Xeno' is prefix, derived from a latin word best translated as 'foreigner', or 'stranger.' It is usually used to denote an object that is alien, unusual, or extra-terrestrial.

Christ well, we all know who that is.

The song carries many of the Faceless' staples, such as gutural vocals, complex time signatures, heavily saturated guitar tones and vast amounts of technical profency by all musicians. Perhaps slightly out of character are the soaring keyboard melodies at the end of the song.
Dude have you heard XenoChrist?!

Ya man, that song is so fucking rad
by zachjal January 11, 2009
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