When a person is giving voice to an opinion or explaining something, all the while constantly interjecting excuses and self belittling nonsense.
Person 1: "I am no expert of course, but wasn't there once... or maybe twice, I'm not sure, this special campaign where it was possible to somehow exchange your old... or new I gue..."

Person 2: "Stop womansplaining and just get to the point already!"
by davogotland August 31, 2017
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Explaining how a particular facet of life makes women victims at the fault of men.
Someone womansplaining: My boyfriend was too lazy to wash up so I had to do it. This is another example of how men are systemically oppressing women.
by notyourfiend January 8, 2018
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Wokely highlighting obvious aspects of things everyone has considered under the assumption a man couldn't ever have considered or understand structural inequalities.
Her: "Mansplaining is actually when a man condescendingly explains things to a woman, usually because on an unconscious level they consider them less intelligent, although they don't know that they hold these beliefs, as they have been reinforced by wider cultural factors"

Me: "Yes I know, Karen, I just used it in a sentence, stop Womansplaining at me"
by SumoVega June 8, 2020
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The act of a woman actively avoiding a question by making an attempt to divert the conversation to a new topic.
Man: Why do you dislike Donald Trump?
Woman: why do you think that Hillary Clinton is an unsuitable president?

The woman here clearly can't think of a reason to dislike Donald Trump and is trying to divert the conversation towards a subject that she thinks the man wont have an answer for or now anything about thus enacting the fine art of womansplaining
by Genticles December 28, 2016
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Womansplaining: act of resorting to lies and deceit or other dishonest measures in a desperate attempt to regain control of a situation. Denying facts over feelings.
"Men are stronger physically than women due to genetics"

Womansplaining: "No women are catching up to men and have always been equal in every aspect often times even more so."
by Wackadoodoo December 9, 2018
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When a woman describes in detail a conversation that took place, often one that the listener was present for
Womansplaining is annoying
by Mightyjohnjohn June 2, 2017
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When feminists try to explain that their always right without letting the man speak. When feminists tries to prove a point with no evidence.
by Dead meme collection March 2, 2019
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