Movie that contains the hottest male actor having intimate relations with small indian Oompa Lompas that sing gay overrated songs, witch by the way creep you out.
why you so tight hoe?!?

i got myself a oopa lompa up ma ass!!
by sugga mamma July 21, 2005
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A cheesy film with wierd songs that dont make sense to normal humans. Such as Oompa Loompa and the sickening Cheer up charlie. Advice to people who have seen the film. Watch the new one.
"oopma loompa doopady doo"
by Ww July 21, 2005
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A shit so runny and big that it fills your pants and touches your willy.
That fart followed through so bad he now has Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory in his pants.
by Punknot July 10, 2015
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