A kindler gentler, name for a Wiki Nazi. Someone that unwaverably decides what is worthy or unworthy in a wiki by their own standards, despite any evidence to the contrary.
a Wikibully Rejects new pages because they are written by a newbie. A Wikibully sticks with the old way. A Wikibully forgets they were newbies once. A Wikibully deletes first, reads second.
by Rev Kev May 11, 2008
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A ten-minute thought up term Whiny Little Bitches use over the internets when complaining about getting shut out of Wiki's in long and boring ramblings and rants no one really cares about. Also used by obsessive loner douches when muttering in their sleep about how much they hate getting "blocked from editing."
whiny little bitch Wiki ocd loner douche blocked wikibully
by MK101 September 8, 2010
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