the best place everr! where summer dreams become life long memories! All male staff are hot! Color war, waterskiing and socials are whatl kids look foward to! Deprived of boys all summer but it is so worth it! Choco Tocos are the bomb!!! Wico is my life.
holly moses! WICOSUTA is so amazing
by djhs December 10, 2006
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The most amazing summer camp in the world, where summers are magical. Your Totem summer will be the time of your life. It is in Hebron, NH and nobody knows exactly how amazing Wico really is untill you have gone there.
I just got back from camp Wicosuta, and had the time of my life.
by Wicolover May 28, 2005
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people who dont go to wicosuta suck
by not a camperrr April 26, 2005
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The most amazing place in the world. Every other camp is jail, compared to Wicosuta, also called Wico. It is in the beautiful town of Hebron, by Newfound lake.
Person 1: What camp do u guys go to?
Person 2: Kanakuk, it's sucky, sooooooo boring.
Person 3: Sanborn, i hate it, way to many bitches.
Person 1: I go to Wicosuta. it's the best. U all r jealous.
by wicogirl April 9, 2007
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