Can be shortened to WTKFF, a synonym of wtf.
The colonel walks into the store to find an employee fucking the chicken sandwich, "What the Kentucky Fried Fuck!" he shouts
by Anson's Mate April 8, 2020
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when something baffles you so much that you can't say anything but this, this is the only thing you can say when something baffles you so much
Person: *kills your entire team in 5 seconds
Person 2: What in the kentucky fried fuck?
by EpicWordDefiner May 4, 2020
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An alternative way of saying what the fuck. Is typically used to convey a feeling of surprise and/or disgust.
Homie 1: *posts some cursed shit*
Homie 2: What the Kentucky Fried Finger Lickin' Fuck
by Backwards Toilet Paper October 1, 2021
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