The unusually high respect people give to an idea, belief or theory simply because they see it on the Internet
I read in on, man. Treat it with some weberence.
by Dean Close September 30, 2007
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(n.)Constantly confused caucasian, frequently believing they are black, when in fact they are white. Weber's frequently act the type, dressing in non-caucasian clothing, and utilizing common "street slang".
Ex. "Yo, look at 'Weber' over there, dancing to Jay Z with the Apple T Shirt on. Wack."
by GSppotter December 31, 2010
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He/She is such a weberity from all those social media posts. He/She got his fame from being so famous on the Great Kosher Restaurant Foodies Facebook page.
by @kosherguru October 22, 2015
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tall person with tiny penis claimes he is a girl lover but everyone around him knows he loves the weenie
by jake kdnvoahid April 1, 2009
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Weber pronounced Webber... A famous sociologist.
If you want to piss off a sociologist call Weber... Webber
by Thomas November 9, 2004
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1. One who is addicted to video games

2. One who is addicted to cigarettes

3. One who never has money for anything else besides video games and cigarettes
I tried to get him to come out tonight but he's being such a weber.

Why do you got to be such a weber?
by Cameron Bradley Hughes April 29, 2010
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