To "wash" without actually washing.
Maw: Wash your hands young man!
Kid: But there's no soap!
Maw: Then warsh 'em.
by spacecoyote17 November 15, 2006
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Mento Mento Mento Mento
Mento: "Hot Suds Car waRsh"

Hey Jimmy how bout u go waRsh the dog.

After we started saying waRsh, mento says waaaaaaaaaash
by Frank December 17, 2004
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God knows where this phrase came from, it means something that is complete shit.
"what a load of warsh!"
by SiRuS January 4, 2004
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There is a large amount of idiots who say warsh because they are of the hick-billy nation. See laurie preston
Has anyone warshed their clothes?
I need to warsh the dishes!
Hey, you warsh your mouth when your talking to me!
Don't make me spread my dick warsh on you!

What the fuck really is warsh?

Warsh is a fucking shit lame word that only cunt ass fucks use. See laurie preston
by andwhogotitthisguy February 5, 2014
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Southern Ohio for a something dirty that requires cleaning.
Thet t-shirt needs warshed.
by Doogie B June 28, 2006
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'Warshed Parbder' is the term used to reffer to a person from southern North America, that has been Cleaned or Washed (warshed).
Hey Bubba, thems a lotta Warshed Parbders there!
by Beefy5Layer June 18, 2022
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Lem got Cora Pearl a Arkansas Warshing Machine. After warshing the socks an' draws in it, Cora Pearl trips the lever and gets a whole new pot o' fresh warter.
by Bumkicker Slade May 11, 2005
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