1. A deragatory definition of a female with male-like qualities who performs sexual favors to other females for money.
2. A female who lacks common sense and is primarily dependent on the male gender.
"Oh god, don't make eye contact, it's Wamsley"

"After class, Wamsley went to the badminton game to see how many men she could attract.
by ducky August 12, 2004
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defn 1 does a good job, but
see cockthrottler
omfg, it's wamwam da cockthrottler!!!!1
by da duckster April 15, 2005
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1. A personal injury lawyer and minor celebrity in Central Indiana. Well known for plastering his face all over billboards, phonebooks, and the like. Often thought of as an ambulance chaser, but has amazing hair.

2. A game, similar to "padiddle", played by sneaking up on a friend, shouting "Vaaaaauuuuuuugggggghhhhhhnnnnn... WHAM-sley!" and punching said friend in the shoulder.
1. Vaughn Wamsley: Hey, does anyone need a personal injury attorney? Have you been injured in an accident? KNOW YOUR RIGHTS!

2. Me: (quietly) Vaaaaauuuuuugggghhhhhnnnn...

Friend: What are you doing?

Me: (yells, punching friend in the arm) WHAM-sley!

Friend: Ow, stop it. I think I need a personal injury attorney now.
by Dildano December 29, 2011
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