A rural sport in which individuals race through a heavily wooded area in a straight line. You must go over or under encountered obstacles, never around them. If you run into something you cannot knock down, go over or go under... you're out, you lose.
Man, we were Wallyhogging last night and I totally lost the Wallyhog when I ran into a giant insurmountable oak tree.
by ejmoment July 22, 2009
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To run toward something, without any consideration of anything in your path; to wallow in your own pleasures without considering others or those it hurts.
At family dinners, my cousin wallyhogs - pushing his way into the kitchen before anyone else, knocking into people and spilling drinks.
by Tea's House September 18, 2018
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To run toward something, without any consideration of anything in your path; to wallow in your own pleasures without considering others or those it hurts.
At family dinners, my cousin wallyhogs - pushing his way into the kitchen before anyone else, knocking into people and spilling drinks.
by Tea's House September 18, 2018
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