A cheap lowly liquid consumed by hourly wage personnel either anally or thru vaping
Man...my boss cut my pay in half...I'm so bummed just gonna punch out and grab some wage sauce and muzzleload that shit until I fall asleep
by Wageslut October 20, 2015
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to pay some money for doing a job or task that is around minimum wage or below and offer them no dignity or appreciation
Johnny paid Miguel slave wage to cut the lawn. Miguel only got $4 and a bunch of shit for not making it perfect.
by Dave Ph August 15, 2008
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A wage hermit is someone who typically works 50 to 80 hours each week and comes home with only enough time
to eat, attend to hygienic needs, surf the web or watch Netflix, go to bed and get up and repeat the daily cycle. In contrast with NEETS ( Person who is not employed, not in education, not in training or school), wage hermits are fully
employed with health insurance, investment options and the like but have no real opportunity for an outside life and live like elderly shut-ins. Wage hermits like NEETS will often spend large sums of money on high end computers or game consoles for video games, web surfing, social media interaction and binge watching online entertainment. In some cases the NEETS may have a higher quality of life with less overall stress. The wage hermit is must often respond to constant office emails or text at home or risk being fired for no response. The coin was termed by the youtuber know as Argent.
'"Is Tom okay? I haven't seen him in weeks." Yes, I talked to him over Twitch last night. The company he works for was purchased by Jeff Bezos and they must implement all of Amazons productivity standards before 2020. He works 80 hours a week. He only has time for take out dinners and to unwind playing some retro games or jerking off to pornhub before bedtime. He said he got a promotion with better pay but has become a wage hermit. He said he hopes the economy will tank so he can get laid off and become a NEET like you and live on unemployment for the rest of the year. LOL!
by Droptinni February 26, 2019
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Substantially less than minimum wage, usually in jobs reserved for Mexicans
Nick: "How's the new job working out?"

Jose: "Horrible, they're only paying me 5 dollars an hour"

Nick: "Damn, straight up Mexican Wage!"
by Flaco5846 September 14, 2012
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Someone who is stuck at a low paying job, might have 2 part-time jobs just to be able to pay for necessities while not being able to afford to save up money. Getting fired or sick enough to not being able to go to work might make the person not afford to pay rent and become homeless.
wage slaves dont have the opportunity to choose
by hippo knight January 1, 2021
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An individual who is stuck merely being a cog in the wheel, content with their own mediocrity, unable to progress up the ladder and usually unaware of their social standing.
Hey John, I hear you are still doin the graphic design thing? Yea, I never thought i'd be a wage donkey but this job has proven otherwise.
by pet sounds January 17, 2007
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A highly visible tattoo or piercing, usually located on the neck or hands. Also applies to excessive facial piercings or large gauge ear piercings.

-Props to Oeler for this one-
Dude, go check out the minimum wage on that guy cleaning the bathroom!


Because of the minimum wage he got in college, Joe was never able to find a job paying more than seven dollars an hour.
by Wolfeman April 30, 2008
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