WLANSI as in W-Lan-Si is an acronym for Wireless LanSi. It appeared with various type of it. Such as:

2- WLANSee
5- WMAX-See
6- WLANchau
7- Sometimes it can be called as plain-ol Wirelesss (with three s'es)

WLANSI is actually a combined word of Wireless Lansi. Lansi is a chinese word for show-off. When Lansi bumps with some IT professionals in SMK Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, the WLANSI term emerge because WLAN (Wireless LAN) suites the beginning of the word Lansi.

WLANSI can be used to say someone is being a show-off.
Usage of curse word

"Ooo! You WLANSI eh?. Got higher mark dowan to show"

Normally it accompanies the usage of it by reverse psychology

"Ooo.. WLANSI! Got higher marks than me. Fine.."
by SysStream October 10, 2006
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