A small, very select group. This group contains about 16 or so young college students and young adults, equal men to woman ratio. These people have to be high school alumni. If you are very, very cool, you may be accepted into this prestigious group. One must be able to sing as well as dance and must have prior experience doing so. If you are pompous and full of yourself it is a plus but not a necessity. Upon acceptance into the group you will be invited to many parties and gatherings at which you will drink and drive, play beer pong and maybe, just maybe, practice 2nd movement, if that hasn't already been taken away of course. The groups leaders are the boys but there is a big italian man that does absolutely nothing but will take all the credit for the hard work.
doc : "i can't tell you the amount of calls i've received this year alone asking me to make Vocalocity a reality."

doc : "i say we cut first movement... i mean, Vocalocity is supposed to be the best of the best!"

"Everyone wants to be in Vocalocity. and if you say you don't, you're lying!"
by Center Triangle January 24, 2010
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