Means someone very cool.

You know.
Cool. Like a pool.

Viktorov is such a really good friend, boyfriend, husband. And even boss!
He can manage wny problem and find perfect solution! He can motivate and bring you to the top of your possibilities!
If Viktorov wants something, he will get it! He can make any dream come true!

If you want to find a perfect mentor, look for a Viktorov nearby! If you wnat someone to make your project superceative, find a Viktorov! If you want to be better, look for Viktorov's advice!
Wow! Just imagine how Viktorov can change your life!
- I found a Viktorov!!!
- OMG! I can't believe this! Is this true? Can you show me his photos?! Please!
- Yes! Look! You can meet him too!
- Oh yes! Thank you! Thank you so much!

- He's Viktorovlike! Unstoppable!
- Oh no, how can he be?!

- I love this web service so much! It's looks like made by Viktorov!
by TheOneWhoShakesTheWorld May 28, 2017
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