A cool, funny girl who's such a great friend. She's flirty and gorgeous and has so many admirers, she can't count them! She stands by you whatever, just because she loves you. Sometimes she gets over the top but that's only because she cares so much. If you have a friend like Verbena, you should know that your lucky.
I wish I was like Verbena.

Verbena is amazing, she is my best friend.
by Madbutwhocares January 18, 2014
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The act of taking a massive shit while in Verbena, Al. Said shit must take at least 20 minutes, be at least partially diarrhea and stink in at least 3 different rooms.
Bro1- Dude, wtf? Did you just take a shit?

Bro2- No my friend, that is called a Verbena Cleana!
by bpyke October 4, 2011
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