To sleep in a van, often due to a lack of money. This can be either for a single night (such as when traveling) or for extended periods of homelessness. Long-term vandivers will often park their van near a beach or community center with washrooms and showers. Some experienced vandivers will even set up heating and cooking facilities inside of their vans.
i can't afford a hotel room, so I'm going to vandive instead.
by AJ Thunderfuck August 6, 2009
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A goon.

Someone who's always caring.
Someone who hates fighting.
A player.
Somewhat swoll.
Someone who's active.
Someone who would make a good boyfriend.
A pothead.
Someone who's up for new things but does stupid stuff.
Someone who you love.
Zak Vandiver is a goon.
by Blazekhalifa March 30, 2011
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