a small fury animal which is placed inside a womans meat curtains. once there this dirty little beaver begins the process of vadginious humdigerry.

"oh my god a vadge beaver just pertruded from my vadge"

by DO YOU DRINK September 5, 2007
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The female version of a t-bag. When a woman or young lady places her vulva upon the face of another person. This synonym of v-bagging is more appropriately used due to the fact that Vagina's aren't commonly baggy. This term is also more commonly used for more aggressive placings of the vagina onto the face of another.
Amy: Why does it smell like fish?
Jenny: Me and the rest of the girls Vadge Tackled you after you fell asleep last night and you didn't even wake up!
Amy: Lolzy! You guys got me good.
by Jakerooski July 9, 2011
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A tattoo located on the vagina. A 'tramp stamp' located in the vaginal region of a person's body.
Marisa insisted on marking her body with a vadge badge after losing her virginity.
by Xena Troll September 13, 2017
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When a girl sends a guy a picture of her vagina so instead of dick pic it's *vadge badge*
Dude 1: bro Nicole just sent me a vadge badge
Dude 2: sweeeeet
by Captain stabbin' July 21, 2015
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Like a moose knuckle or a camel toe, an article of clothing shoved violently up a dirty pussy.
Did you see Angelina Jolies Cle-vadge? Those shorts must be 8 inches deep in that snatch! That's 7 inches longer than my cock!
by snatchandvadge September 8, 2010
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Plural Vadge Badgers
1. a common vagina badger usually taking refuge in one's muff hair; notorious for vagina rippage.
"Oh, bejesus, I think I caught a vadge badger!"
"Once vadge badgers have control of the general area, they start chomping away at the clitorus, etc."
by HQ Tenenbaum Associates October 7, 2005
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While in the throws of passion (sex), the woman queefs not just once but nearly every time man thrusts in and out. Keeping a constant queef rythm.
"Man I had sex with susan last night and she had a loud-vadge. It was like a trumpet quartet was in the room with us."
by 00Mancandy January 1, 2010
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