Commonly referred as Rajesh, this twitter user has been known to stealing or “nabbing” tweets of twitter posts with 100+ Likes & 100+ RTs in order to score a bang. In reality, UtdConnor_ only gets an average of 5-10 likes in every posts. He is also known to have a secret basement in his hometown Mumbai where he stores all the kiddies
Located in India, UtdConnor_ has blocked many profiles in order to steal tweets.
Who stole my tweet , it was UtdAidan!

Why did UtdConnor_ block me???

UtdConnor_ is such a Nonce
by Bosco444 September 10, 2020
Get the UtdConnor_ mug.
Commonly referred as Rajesh, this twitter user has been known to stealing or “nabbing” tweets of twitter posts with 100+ Likes & 100+ RTs in order to score a bang. In reality, UtdConnor_ only gets an average of 5-10 likes in every posts. He is also known to have a secret basement in his hometown Mumbai where he stores all the kiddies
Located in India, UtdConnor_ has blocked many profiles in order to steal tweets.
Who stole my tweet , it was UtdAidan!

Why did UtdConnor_ block me???

UtdConnor_ is such a Nonce
by Bosco444 September 10, 2020
Get the UtdConnor_ mug.