Something that swims around and around in your head and makes you crazy, because you can never figure it out. No matter how hard you try, it remains "unfigureoutable" and usually pertains to situations that suck big donkey balls, like when your best friend's soulmate is a guy you used to sleep with.
Girl 1: Why him? How can this be? Why does the universe have such a sick sense of humor?
Girl 2: I don't know. It's unfigureoutable. You have to just accept it and move on with your life.
by S.Lacey January 16, 2014
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When something just can't be figured out. Then it is Un-Figure-Out-Able.
Nani said to Matt: 'What are women thinking?'

Matt said: 'I don't know, that's unfigureoutable.'
by Yani Gee December 2, 2012
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when you can’t figure some shit out.
i tried to understand why he was a dumbass, but it was unfigureoutable.
by yonniiiii February 16, 2020
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A way to describe or explain something that happened; though the reason it happened, or how it came about, cannot be easily, or ever be, figured out.
When “surprisingly”, then “unexplainably”, did not say exactly what I felt, my brain gave me “unfigureoutably”. It’s funny, it works, and might even be admitted into the lexicon as a funny word, a type we need more of.
by but for July 5, 2022
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