The process of freeing ideas, attitudes, cognitive strategies or a professional methodology. It is often distinguished from relearning by the fact that the undoctrinated person is expected to question or critically examine the doctrine they have learnt.
After years on the internet, petes undoctrination has prevented him from ever watching T.V again.
by kognitive May 30, 2008
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The removal of the indoctrination received through public schooling, peer-pressure, and societal conditioning.

What you have to do to your kid every day after they come home from school.

Thinking for yourself.

What hopefully happens when you leave public education.

the act of detoxing off of society's kool-aid.

Freeing the masses from the mind-numbing propaganda of the mainstream media apparatchik brown-nosers and their contriving congressional and presidential overlords.

The process of ridding oneself of indoctrination.

Thinking for oneself. Going against the status-quo mentality.
I decided to go through the painful Undoctrination process and think for myself, for a change.
by ronzorelli July 28, 2010
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