Overblown and bombastic anger perpetuated by online losers with nothing better to do than gather together under hashtag groups on Twitter and stroke one another's senses of self-righteousness and fellated egos
@Dbag99 Still waiting for the network news to mention us! #whogivesashit

@OutragedLoner @Dbag99 Yes, they need stop reporting on "current events" & acknowledge our existence! #whogivesashit

@Dissidence101 Every1 sign this online petition about how important we R! //bit.ly/aqds42e #whogivesashit

@MeLoseBrainUhOh Oh look more Twitrage! Stay strong, Tweeple! You really make a difference! #whogivesashit
by MeLoseBrainUhOh December 17, 2010
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