when you sit on the can and you can swear you're droppin a laod, but when you turn around to admire your work there's no sighn of it
oh, man, i just laid a ghost turd
by Anonymous July 23, 2003
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Similar to a "Clean Pinch" in as much as you go to wipe your rusty sherrif's badge after taking a forest and low and behold no evidence that you actually had a turd.
Fred - "It stinks so bad in there you must have left skids in your pants?"

Bob - "The exact opposite my friend - the ghost turd rides again!"
by Harry Kovert February 14, 2014
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also known as the disappearing mud monkey, its when you let out a chocolate hotdog but look down later to discover a toilet with no turd in it.
holy crap, i just had my first ghost turd
by mrwhite1337 June 16, 2008
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When you have taken a turd and it is so heavy that it disappears and has already gone through the plumbing before you've had a look.
James took a big, BIG log one day only to find that it had disappeared by the time he had gotten up to take a look. The bowl was empty with no turd in sight. James excitedly ran to his mother - Mummy, I did a ghost turd!!!
by ghostieroastie April 11, 2009
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1. dust balls under your bed
2. dust bunnies
Jeez Mike, clean your room - just look at all those ghost turds under your bed!
by Bud E Love May 8, 2003
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a clump of dust or lint found in large numbers under furniture
There was that one ghost turd that behind the wheel that the boys miss when clearing the space under the bed.
by The Return of Light Joker October 31, 2011
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