A name which can be given to any physical ailment to the body, usually used for vomiting, but acceptable in all other cases.
'Oh no, Josh has caught the tumnus! He's not looking too great.'
by micropig February 17, 2013
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Origin - Tumnus is the Faun from C. S. Lewis's "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe."
Verb - to tumnus - to "fawn" over someone or something.
I tumnus over Scarlett Johansson every time I see her.

She tumnussed all over herself when John Cusack showed up on screen.

Quit tumnussing, you're making me feel insecure.
by Z.J.M. March 28, 2010
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Mr. Tumnus is a riotous fellow, in addition to the chronicles of Narnia fellow. True, Lewis Carrol did mention the words long ago, but today's Mr. Tumnus is a go-getter. He has a son, a job, and drove a Trans Am with a 455 V8 in college. Often seen kicking ass and taking names, Mr. Tumnus co-invented drive-by groans, spew, smoking out of Presto cups, and a managerie of tricks awesome to behold. He is truly a one of kind American icon
Mr. Tumnus is our friend, he has rules, but they will bend.
by Bob September 19, 2004
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taken from the chronicles of narnia, the lion, witch and the wardrobe. mr tumnus a half human, half goan man (faun) being divided at the pube line. when a mans pubic line is showing over ill fitting trousers, including pelvis lines this is known as his tumnus.
'look at bens tumnus!'
by mat'n'dave May 28, 2004
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Mr. Tumnus is yet another word for the Perenium (bonch, gooch, taint, grundle, chode, etc).
The use of this narnia name came from scroTUM, and aNUS, hence referring to your chode as Mr. Tumnus. Giving that special area of your body a name just makes it a little more personal. Kinda like naming your junk.
Mr. Tumnus is feeling a little cranky today, I should have wiped better after my dump last night.
by thebrainishuge March 17, 2010
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A man who on first glance you believe has had a transplant of his grandfather's finest pubic hair to their legs until closer inspection reveals that it is in fact their own leg hair. The tight curls and inability for sun to penetrate to the pale skin below, the afflicted is normally of celtic descent, is highly reminiscent of Mr. Tumnus from The Chronicles of Narnia. Whether by coincidence or design, the sufferer, a 'Mr Tumnus', can regularly be found showcasing his fast fingerwork on a flute near young girls.
"I've never knew why Gary refused to wear shorts until today; he's a right Mr Tumnus. Get the leg wax."
by PCBumchin January 17, 2014
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adj. Descriptive of an uphill gardener who's so far in the closet he's found Narnia, taken out a mortgage there and spends his days fraternising with the local populace.
"I don't care if he was married to the bird off Dawson's Creek, that Tom Cruise is so far in the closet he's on first name terms with Mr Tumnus".
by SpunkyMcGiblets June 20, 2014
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