Someone who exhibits symptoms of delusion on par with those of Donald Trump or someone who's manner of thinking is "trump-like". It's to be stupid basically ... to talk a lot of unrealistic nonsense out of your ass.
Billy's Wife: Billy was just so TRUMPISTIC this morning, he just wouldn't stop talking about how amazing he was in bed with me, how he ravaged me and brought me to heights of pleasure unknown to almost any other human ... but I don't understand because well, I was asleep.
by rational gadfly July 3, 2016
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A person who has a delicate ego, spreads lies, hates facts, hypocritical, narcissistic, unethical, a White Nationalist and generally gross.
by BelieverInTruth January 13, 2017
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When a specific person loves the president Donald Trump with such passion that they would do almost anything for the man.

Often used as a derrogitory term to symbolize that the person is a complete utter racist idiot.
mann, i'd totally date her except for the fact that shes a complete Trumpist!


Bruh, you need to calm yo trumpist self down
by Just another demigod December 3, 2016
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A follower of Donald Trump and they follow his ideals.
by Bman111 December 1, 2016
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Adults who have the appearance of a true adult but have the countenance of a child.
"Nah, nah, I'm gonna build a wall and keep non-americans out forever. But I have to get home by 6pm for my dinner as my mum'll kill me!"
"Blimey, no need to get all trumpist on my, have some candy and go to your room"
by Theopompus September 10, 2016
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Fascist; Nazi; Dictator {alt spelling: DickTator;

Control Freak {One who has an obsessive

need to exert control over people and


Delusional FuckTard {often seen

abbreviated as DFT}.
When I say "The entire Trump family line is composed of...", it is safe to assume said sentence ends with "DFT Trumpists".
by intr0 December 18, 2018
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